Shengli Group held the first basketball game

  In order to further enrich the amateur cultural life of the majority of employees, create a united, hard-working, enterprising and harmonious team atmosphere, strengthen physique, invigorate the spirit, gather strength, and enhance the corporate cohesion and sense of pride among employees. Shengli Group held the first men’s basketball game. Various departments, subsidiaries and business divisions responded positively and organized teams to participate in the game. Cheerleaders outside the court were even more enthusiastic. Cheers and shouts made the atmosphere of the basketball game continue to heat up. . All athletes, referees, staff and on-site spectators performed outstandingly. The staff actively did a good job in logistics support, the referees were fair and unselfish, and all the athletes truly displayed the spirit of friendship first and second in the game, the style of the game and the level of the game.

  Tonight’s game was started by the "Dragon Team" of the Power Division and the "One Team" of Shenglitong Company in a happy atmosphere. Although everyone is close colleagues off the court, they are on the court. It’s you who rushed to catch me. Don’t miss any chance of scoring. Encouraged by everyone’s expectations and the shouts of friendship, after a hard fight, the “Dragon Team” of the Power Division finally won the first place in this basketball game. Victory.

  This basketball game not only enriched the amateur cultural and sports life of the employees, but also ignited the enthusiasm and confidence of the group colleagues to participate in sports. Let every employee who loves sports reignite the passion of sports. It embodies the corporate spirit that our company has always advocated focusing on cultivating the comprehensive quality of employees, and at the same time strengthens the in-depth implementation of corporate culture, enhances the friendship between colleagues, and cultivates the spirit of unity and cooperation. The game achieved the expected results, and at the same time, with the unique charm of basketball, it also showed us the vigorous and youthful atmosphere of contemporary youth.


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